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Drawing from the Well

Eighth Eighth
Chapter 69/83
119,776 Words (90.22% Complete)

Draft 0 Harvesting
First Read-Through
Developmental Edit

Character Edit
Fine Detail Edit
Line Edit
Edit Out Loud Read-Through
Proofreading and Spell Check
Final Read-Through

Yes, we’re still in the Orange Edit, but August was still amazing. It may not look like it between my last post and now, but it’s my best writing month of all time. I wrote 63,266 words in August. I have never written like that before. I had a 10k day in the middle and a crazy 8k day at the end of the month. It was outstanding and almost finished this editing round.

Remember how I said we’re STILL in the Orange Edit? That’s because September has been mostly a wash so far. I’ve only written 3k so far the whole month. I went on vacation for several days and have been busy beyond belief between my job and my wife’s business. It’s great, writing just hasn’t been a priority. Soon, though.

Filling the Well

Imager’s Challenge: 48%
Circle of Ashes: 24%

I realize now that I talked about the books I’d read but not those I was reading. Well, the two above are them. I’m still in them, though I’m waffling about sticking with the Imager Portfolio. It vacillates between gripping me and losing me entirely. We’ll see what happens. Circle of Ashes is good and is starting to pick up, even though it started with a literal bang. I’m looking forward to the rest of that.

Well Chat

This is a short blog post. I just wanted to celebrate my wins in August as well as show how quickly you can fall off of them without diligence. More’s to come on the writing front, but it might be next week before I really settle back into routine. The world’s a crazy place out there. Be safe.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.