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Another day missed. Another day tried.

I didn’t get any writing done yesterday because I was just plain too tired to write by the time I got to it in the evening. That is one of the drawbacks of writing at night. The converse is not a real option for me, though, since I get up early enough to take my kids to school.

Okay, it IS an option, but not a real one for me. Mornings are not really my time. I’m a night owl by birth so I would rather sleep for as long as possible in the morning. Considering how early I already get up (5:30-6:00am), earlier is NOT APPEALING. So, 99.5% of the time, it doesn’t happen. Maybe a couple times a year. So, sometimes I succumb to the inevitable fatigue.

Tonight, however, seems like a good night for some words. I enjoy starting with a blog each night because it gives me a chance to mentally change gears. I never realized what a slow process that was until I committed, almost unconsciously, to blogging before “writing.” I use quotation marks because it’s all writing, but one is my chat with you, the reader (assuming you’re reading this and I’m not just dumping my brain and heart on the page for the sake of my own sanity; should that be the case, I consider myself lucky to have an active way to maintain such a fragile commodity), and the other is my art, my passion, my goal, and my dream all in one. TL;DR One is conversational and the other is formal.

This blog also gives me a few minutes to plan out what I am going to write next. I’m a planner at heart so I seem to always be planning something. I’m also a now-centric person so my plans may have long-ranging implications, but they are on short timelines. That said, I’ve made it to the first pinch point in Around the Corona which means that the next milestone is the midpoint. My protagonist is in just the right place for his mirror moment that will offer him a huge revelation. It’s going to be his pivot through which he will plunge into the rest of the plot.

So, without further ado: WORDS!