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And then there was the human element.

Surviving from the Well

After 2020, I think this is an appropriate new title for what I used to call Well Chat, so we’re going with it.

We’ve talked about reading. We’ve talked about writing. Now, for some ‘rithmetic.

No? Fine. Let’s get into what we did as humans this year. Let’s cover some highlights:

  • January: We went on a cruise! YAY!
  • February: Our anniversaries were good. Yay!
  • March: COVID-19 hit hard and shut everything down. Boo.
  • April: The wedding industry shut down. Boo. But we had our birthdays. Yay!
  • May: The kids graduated from Middle School and High School. Yay! …but there was no ceremony because of COVID. Boo!
  • June: We sold our house! YAY! But things went a bit sideways. Boo.
  • July: The sideways bit continued. Boo. And we were essentially homeless for a minute. Big Boo. But we finally had Nicholas’s Commencement. Yay!
  • August: We moved into our new house! YAY! But we fired our contractor for construction on said new house. Boo. But we found a new one. Yay! And we started Weight Watchers. Umm…
  • September: The kids went back to school in earnest…virtually. Ummm…
  • October: Weddings started back up. Yay! And we lost 20 pounds total. Super yay! And construction began. Yay!
  • November: Lora did a week-long conference, we lost 10 more pounds, and had Thanksgiving. Triple yay! But we had a COVID Scare. Boooooooo.
  • December: Christmas and COVID. Big suck. Yes, we all got COVID.

Needless to say, it was an interesting year. Much of it was so difficult, even my wife didn’t document it. But look at all the good that came out of it. We moved, improved our finances, our weight, and our health, drew together as a family, and made it through this awful pandemic.

There was plenty to complain about throughout the year, but we focused on the good that came out of it.

Despite ’21 getting off to a rocky start, I’m hopeful that, by the end, this will be an even better year. 2020 was a reckoning, but we made it. Now to show the universe the strength we gleaned.

Next time, I’ll go through a few of my goals for the year and start to slide back into the routine of what’s going on in my world in reading, in writing, and in surviving. Be well, readers.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.