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Drawing from the Well

Queries: 69 (+0)
Rejections: 52 (+1)

Fourth Eighth
Chapter 34/91
Scene 217/508 – 42.7%
Word Count: 52,615 (+669) – 42.52%

Filling the Well

Fahrenheit 451: 100%! (Book 38/25 for #ProjectBookworm2019)
Veins of Gold: 100%! (Book 39/25 for #ProjectBookworm2019)
The Bible: 99%!
The Emperor’s Blades: 47%
Mortal Engines: 1%

Well Chat

Welcome to the new blog format! Already this feels tighter and more direct. I hope you like it (and, by all means, let me know if you do or don’t).

It’s been a GREAT reading week and a drab writing week. I finished two books in the last few days bringing me in striking distance of my secondary reading goal for the year: FORTY BOOKS! I know I’ll hit it too since I’m slated to finish the Bible today. It’s the first time in my entire life that I’ve made it through the whole thing. Granted, about half of it was read to me by the YouVersion Bible app, but audiobooks are reading so this is too. There are definitely books I need to go back and re-read the long way but it’s been an incredible journey.

Veins of Gold was a nice quick accomplishment. Every book I read from Charlie N. Holmberg is a wonderful read. I figured out today that the thing I like most is the strong characterization. There’s always a strong voice in her main characters and the storylines are just twisty enough to keep you wondering. Veins of Gold was no different as the main character, Gentry, got herself into a bind at one point that I couldn’t see a way out of. What happened was certainly unexpected for me. Plus, I listened to the entire audiobook in ONE DAY! Woot!

Now, you’re not here just to hear about what I’m reading but rather what I’m writing. I had one burst of good writing last week where I got to bring in a host of new characters (which I love and intend to use elsewhere now that they’re created) but I couldn’t seem to get any momentum under me last week. I’m hoping writing this today will help light the engine so I can get back to work. I’m several thousand words behind so I have my work cut out for me. That’s okay, though. I know where this story is headed for the next few chapters as my characters run to their Midpoints. It’s going to be fun.

Okay, if I’m going to do this right, you’re going to need more than that! So the chapter I’m working on is a hard one for our boy Rorian. His First Pinch pinched HARD and really upended things for him. He’s reeling until he runs into some old friends. That gives him the boldness to close some emotional doors before leaving his homeland to move on with their journey. After that, we get a couple chapters on the Spectre’s Pride as Grant’s party sails around Horal to the desert nation of Kern. And that’s when things heat up again…figuratively AND literally.

That’s all for now. What do you think of this new format and the more journey-centered discussion? I’m planning a 2019 retrospective post or two soon. Maybe the week between Christmas and New Year’s. One post about my overall reading journey for the year and one about my overall writing journey. Yes, that’ll work. Stay tuned for more news from The Well. Happy Monday!

May the tide carry you to safer shores.