Mother’s Day Recap

As you can probably guess, I was 100% right in that I got no writing or reading done yesterday. But that’s okay because we had a great day celebrating my wife for Mother’s Day. We went to church and brunch and then got naps on the couch followed by a couple of movies (The House with a Clock in its Walls and Second Act, both of which were great) and some snuggles. It was great.
Now it’s back to the grind, but it’s a whole new grind for me today as I officially step into my management role. It’s going to be a ride and I can’t wait to get started.
Well Chat
Serenity = Power

Today, we’re covering a trope that counters the aggressive powerups in a lot of movies and especially in anime. This is the Meditation Powerup. What happens is that a character meditates for a moment or longer and then becomes much more powerful than before. You’ll see this happen a lot where they appear so strong because they are deflecting every attack against them with ease.
One of the best examples I can think of outside of anime for this is The Matrix, the first one, the best one. At the end of the movie, Neo
Okay, the movies been out for almost two decades, but SPOILERS ahead.
Neo basically dies. Then the power of Love brings him back and he suddenly gets it. He comes back with a vengeance and stops bullets before they can even get to him, fulfilling a prophecy of sorts that Morpheus stated much earlier in the film. After that, he comes to a confrontation with Agent Smith, whom he has been running away from during the entire film. Not only does he go toe to toe with his previously overpowered adversary, he fights him like an adult would a toddler blocking all of his punches with one hand and not even watching what he is doing in the process. He then destroys Agent Smith (for now) and terrifies the remaining two agents.

It’s zen badassery at its finest.
So how can you make this work? Well, here are a couple of ideas. You could have one character that acts as a pacifist for a long time and then busts out his vastly superior fighting skills when sufficiently provoked. You could have a character that fights just fine, but when he takes a moment to center himself, his skills skyrocket. You could have a character who is a hot mess and is taught to meditate in order to control the chaotic energy within themselves. And so on.
Keep an eye out for this trope. I bet you see it in more places than you think.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.