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Drawing from the Well

No queries or writing yesterday. I’m going to do some tonight, though. Time to make some actual progress.

Filling the Well

Elegy: Page 67 of 89
The Devouring Gray: 53%

I’m making lots of progress on reading this week which feels really good. The Devouring Gray is just great. I’m loving it and can’t wait to see where it goes.

Polishing the Well

We had our last wedding of the season tonight and it was a good one. Everyone had fun and we had the kindest clients. I’m so proud of my wife for her business, even on Easter.

Well Chat

Finding Motivation from Past Motivation

Something that spurs me on when I start to lose motivation are successes of the past. I’ve said this before. What I haven’t talked about is how I track this. I’ve used several methods in the past, but it all comes down to finding the most relevant denominator and logging word counts by dates upon completion of those guideposts.

For example, one of the earliest iterations of this was tracking word counts by chapter. I would tag the word count for the chapter on the date I completed the chapter. This had the dual effect of keeping track of things and checking off something completed.

A later version involved merely tracking the word count by day. The current method is logging word count by scene and marking the date completed for each scene. This works as a bridge between the two systems because it’s small enough bites that I get to check off completed items often but isn’t a formless word count.

In the end, the key for me is a graph. I’ve used a line graph growing by day and word count and a bar graph growing by completed percentage. The graph is the most important part for me because I can look at what I’ve done visually and use it as motivation to do more, to make bigger gains on the graph.

How do you keep track of your writing? What inspires you? Let’s chat about it.

May the tide carry you to safer shores