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Drawing from the Well

Chapters Edited: 4
Chapters to Edit: 30

I made some more progress yesterday for which I am very happy. When I start a chapter, I still have this daunting feeling like it is going to take a while, but this edit is flying by as long as I put some time in. I have to make sure to keep up the pace so I can get this done in a relatively short period of time. I think my goal of being ready to start sending out letters to agents by Monday is out of reach at this point, but it was probably overambitious to begin with. Now, I might be able to still get the first letter out sometime next work week as long as I put my head down and get to it.

We’ll see…

Filling the Well

That Hideous Strength: 54%
Elegy: Page 15 of 89
Jessica Jones: S2E12 of 13
The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections: 20%?

That last addition is a short story that I thought I would plow through but I’ve been waylaid from reading so it’s taking much longer. I’ll get there. I’m not worried for now. I ate through a lot of my YouTube playlist yesterday (which of course has grown since I stopped listening) so if I can put the hurt on it on the way home, I might be able to get back to That Hideous Strength. Again, best of intentions, but we’ll see.

Polishing the Well

Last night I got together with old friends at Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Cafe. It’s a german restaurant that I had never been to before despite my friends going there many times. It was fantastic. There was so much food and it was all authentic and delicious. I even had to bring some home. Now I hang with the guys today and make some memories.

Well Chat

Taking Time For What’s Important

The Polishing section leads right into today’s Chat. It was so good to get out with friends, catch up, and just hang out for an evening. I don’t do it nearly enough. I am focused so much on my responsibilities and goals in reading and writign and watching shows that I forget about that other dimension. This week I’ve made an effort to put hte laptop down at night so I can reconnect with my family and my wife, but I haven’t connected with my friends in quite a while. Last night was great and today will be equally good.

This’ll be a short blog today. It’s unusual for me, but I did a lot of chatting above and I really just wanted to offer this blog as a PSA against burnout. It is important to chase your dreams and it is important to work hard, but it is also important to balance that with spending time with people who matter to you. It recharges your batteries because you’re JUST having fun instead of having fun on a goal meter (just me? Okay…). So get out there and go do something this weekend. It’s worth it.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.