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Writing Update

Scenes Arranged: 2
Total Scenes: 85

FINALLY got some scenes written. I intend to write more tonight. I need to get through this Eighth to the quarter-point. The two scenes I wrote I’m REALLY excited about. I feel like some of the scenes I’m designing are the most interesting, inspiring, and personally-exciting I’ve ever put together. I can’t wait to actually write these scenes and see them come to life on the page.

Reading Update

Vengeful: 63%
Perelandra: 60%

Audiobooks are life! I’m getting so much “read” in Perelandra just driving around or working in my office. That’s my day job, not writing; I CANNOT listen to an audiobook at the same time I’m writing. This brain can only go in or out at any given time, not both.

Personal Update

Recently I’ve been taking notice of the sky and all its different appearances and permutations. That’s where the phrase “rainbow dawn” came from. I literally saw the sky like that one morning and it lodged in my memory.

Tonight, as I was driving home from a rare day in the office an hour and a half away, I looked to one side of the highway and saw the glowing orange ball of the sun just dipping to the horizon. I then looked to the other side and saw the bone-white moon well into the pale blue sky. It was so cool to see sun and moon shining simultaneously. It’s something I’ll incorporate into a future book somewhere.

Discussion Topic

When your best efforts don’t matter for crap

As you can see, I haven’t exactly been firing on all cylinders lately. More like I’ve been firing on one cylinder but firing like dynamite. I’ve been overwhelmed by work and am only beginning to claw my way back to what normalcy I had built through my new habits by flat-out ignoring work for a change.

And you know what? It feels good.

One thing I’ve learned recently is that it is vitally important to have balance in your life to truly feel happy. Ice cream is great (my favorite, frankly), but if it’s all you eat every meal every day, not only will you gain weight, but you’ll start to hate ice cream as you want and crave other foods. Life is much the same. Video games are fun, but if they’re all you do, you start to yearn for something else for moderation and variety. We need it.

All work and no play…

So I worked too much and wrote and read too little and I felt the difference. The problem with things like that, with habits, is momentum. Inertia. Newton’s First Law applies to people and habits as much as it does to apples and galaxies. When I get out of the habits I’m trying to form and into working too much or anything else, it’s easy to remain sidetracked. So here I am trying to push this body back into the appropriate orbit. It’s time to get back to work.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.