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Editor Status – Discontinuing updates here until May when I actually have something new to say.

Yesterday’s Writing: 1193

I finally cracked a thousand! This is my daily goal and I got back to it sooner than I had hoped. I figured I would ramp up a few hundred words more per day until I got over a thousand. Instead, I tripled my word count again (almost) and broke through my ceiling. And I made a lot of progress on Corona. I got to a good stopping point. I have the story solid in my head, but I’m not sure how far along I am. Maybe First Pinch Point? I know I’m not at the Midpoint yet. I know what that is and it’s going to be good.

Or maybe that’s actually the First Plot Point. Yeah, that’s much more likely. That means I’ve got to figure out a First Pinch before the Midpoint. Yes…

Personal Update

Work is going fine. New projects. Still somewhat in limbo. Hopefully that starts to clear soon.

Other than that, my wife’s business is taking shape. Her first bridal show is Sunday. I’m helping her so it’s going to be a long day, but it’s helping her chase her dream so I am happy to help. She and I are both chasing our dreams now and I couldn’t be happier about it.

And I maxed my eleventh max-level toon in WoW today: Alliance Paladin 1. My Lock is still working on his class mount, but his Order Hall Campaign is complete. Once his Class Mount is complete, I’m going to work on gear and legendaries for him to try for the Affliction Challenge Appearance. I’m not sure how long it’ll take, but Emissary Chests, Heroics, and Argus quests are going to be the route to the gear. The Legendaries…we’ll see. Maybe Mythics? In the meantime, Ally Pally 1 has an Order Hall Campaign and a Class Mount to acquire. And then there’s the Monk. And then Perenolde is maxed out. After that: Lothar for the Horde (yes, that was on purpose).

Now, back to the Corona.