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Drawing from the Well

Scenes Arranged: 2
Total Scenes: 154

I finally found my way out of my plot block. Now if I can just carve some time out to dedicate to #sceneing I’ll be able to get a lot done. Here’s hoping.

Filling the Well

That Hideous Strength: 12%
Sightwitch: 46%
Jessica Jones: S2E10 of 13

I did make some time to read yesterday which was nice. Things have gotten really interesting as I THINK a key character from the main novels has shown up. I can’t wait to see if I’m right.

Polishing the Well

Last night was a rather quiet night. The kids’ new obsession is Ellen’s Game of Games so we watched an episode of that last night to spend a little time together. My wife doesn’t feel well so she checked out early and I was up late working. Nothing terribly exciting. Although, our older cat Lilly has to have a vestigial digit declawed because the nail is growing into her paw. That’s tomorrow, the poor thing. That’s about it for now, so let’s chat…

Well Chat

Channeling Your Willpower into Your Goals

This is something I definitely struggle with. I have such a strong will when my mind chases an idea or a task into a rabbit hole, but the rest of the time, I’m like the dog from Up constantly distracted by a –

Even now, I’m thinking about several other things I could be doing AS I’m writing this blog post. Thus, I’m forcing myself to power through because, for me, writing this blog is more important than a few extra minutes of work or watching a YouTube video (jury is still out on sleep, though 😉 ).

Now you’re probably wondering, “Brian, you’re supposed to be telling me how to channel my willpower into my goals. That was the title. What gives?” That’s how hard it is in our current society to wrangle our willpower to do as we want. We have become so conditioned to jump to the next thing as soon as we lose interest in what we’re currently doing, that we can’t even focus on what we’re doing long enough to do it. My kids are even worse, falling into the trap of paralysis of choice.

But enough social commentary. How do you beat it and overcome?

You have to wait for it.

Willpower is really about impulse control. If you jump at the first thing you think of or want, that’s an impulse and you’re allowing yourself to be subject to its whims. No judgment. It’s human nature. Well, it’s the animalistic part of our nature. I have impulse control issues with sweets. I’m like Ariana Grande that way: I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.

The only way to overpower your impulses is time and positive self-talk. When you feel that impulse to do something that will take you away from your goals, take ONE MINUTE and talk to yourself about how unfulfilled you’ll be. This impulse isn’t what you want. It’s really nothing. It’s empty. Your goal will fill you up more than ever before, but only if you get there. So ignore the desire to laze about and get cracking on your goals. I have to be hard on myself, you might not need to be, but either way, you have to push yourself to a higher level if you want to attain a higher level. No one is going to give it to you or do it for you.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.